Sunday, April 27, 2008

Midnight Pillow Attack

Daphne usually sleeps through the night on her own. I weaned her in the night about 3 weeks ago so that I would be able to get more sleep and she could sleep without relying on me to stay asleep.

Occasionally, Daphne wakes up and tries to convince me that I need to nurse her back to sleep. She was having a rough night last night, and she woke up completely. As she was crying trying to convince me to nurse her, I rolled over and ignored her by pretending to be asleep.

She crawled to the edge of the bed, picked up a pillow and walked it over to me. When I still continued to ignore her, she smashed the pillow in my face so that she made sure that I got the idea that she wanted me to nurse her.

I did manage to get her back to sleep, but I really love that she is so willing to communicate to me.

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