Tuesday, October 16, 2007

No TeethYet!

When Daphne was 2 months old, she started to drool. All the moms around me swore that because there was such a huge increase in drool that she was going to be teething soon.

As my Pediatrician says (yes I do have one, as out of character for me as that is) any baby that is between the ages of 0 and 16 months is always teething. He is really right.

There have been many times that she has been drooly and fussy and had a fever or a runny nose, and I was SURE that she was going to have teeth pop out, BUT nothing happened.

Part of it is that I just love the toothless smiles. I want to take a photo of her toothless gums, but I haven't gotten around to it yet, so I think she is honoring my wishes.

Developmentally, she is "behind" I guess because she doesn't have teeth, but who cares about time tables. She is perfect and adorable, and that is all that matters for me right now!

I am sure that I will post an update when she does end up getting teeth, but she doesn't have any right now. Stay tuned.

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