Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I have been thinking a lot about Christmas. I thought I would mix it up.

I am sure that I could come up with something that I want for Christmas, I am going to go with my recent theme of saving the world, not buying new, hippyism, etc.

I don't want anything for Christmas. Instead, I would like to donate a goat to Heifer International. The cost--$120. So, if you thought you were going to get me something for Christmas, redirect the money to this.

This seems unselfish of me, but really, it has some purposes. I love the idea of Heifer International, but I have not donated yet myself. This is a great opportunity. If I can't have a goat, than someone that really needs one to sustain himself should get one. I have what I need in life, I have a baby and we are both well fed. I have a great life and a great husband. Some people don't have enough food, and we sometimes have enough. I am passing up my opportunity to have more things to give life to someone who really could use it.

Check out the donations page of Heifer International. Consider doing this yourself. Maybe Christmas could be returned to the spirit of Tiny Tim.

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