Sunday, March 16, 2008

She's Got Words

Daphne is now working very hard to learn to communicate. She wants to talk really bad.

She now know the approbate times to say "ow." She will say it when she knows she has hurt you or when she has had a minor boo-boo of her own.

Today, in the car, I was mimicking what she was saying, and we discovered that she knew, "mmmmmmm." This is what she says when something is good to eat, and when eating, she will say, "mmmmmm" every once in a while, and it is very, very cute.

Tonight, I was sitting on the bathroom floor after trying to get her to potty. She kept leaving the room and trying to close the door. I would say, "bye" as she left and, "hi" as she came back. A few times, she would say, "hi" to me before she entered the room without any prompting.

We then came back out into the office where the dog was. She went to sit next to him and said, "dlaff." I thought she was trying to say dog, but she was really saying Flaff. Now, I get it, and she will say it any time she wants to pet the dog.

After we got the dog all figured out, she went to get her phone, and she put it on her shoulder after opening it and said, "hi."

It is very cute that she is learning all these new words. What a girl.

We have (in order of appearance)

1.) hi
2.) ow
3.) dlaff

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