Thursday, March 20, 2008

Debt Reduction

If I were to really get into gear, I could get us out of debt by the middle of next year. Here is what I would need to do.

Shoot 55 weddings on my own at full price (that is one almost every weekend).

Sell 9200 diapers.

Those are both a little unreal. If we were to take our regular payment from Jared's paycheck to pay off the debts, we could assume and I did nothing, we would be looking at 46 months to pay off the debt, which is almost 4 years.

However, if, over the next 18 months we took the regular amount out of Jared's paycheck and I shot 30 weddings or made 5600 diapers or some combination of the two, we could be out of debt.

I am determined to figure out how to pay off the debt. Hopefully, Jared incurred his last medical bill on Tuesday. At this point, we have maxed out our insurance, so regardless of what happens, we won't pay anything else for medical bills for him except for doctor co-pays.

If we stop incurring medical bills AND we cut way back on our expenses, we may be able to even pull it off in a year. It seems like such a long road. I wish there were an easy way out. The good news, it that there IS at least ONE way out.

I am working to grow all our food so that I don't have to go to the grocery store anymore. That will be wonderful. As soon as I figure out getting a goat here, I will not have to worry about dairy supplies, which will be nice. I will butcher the chickens we have now in only a few weeks and then we will have fresh chicken. Perhaps, I will raise another batch and try to sell them or keep them to eat for ourselves.

I am also turning off our TV service. It only saves us about $20 per month, but we almost never watch it, and wouldn't it be better if we were outside playing anyway growing the food I am trying to save from our grocery bill?

We are looking at a new cell phone plan that could take away our cable internet bill and lower our phone bill while we are at it. I am excited at this prospect, very excited!

At least we are lucky enough this year to be able to have the tax rebate to cover our tax bill. I am using any additional to pay off debt. Sorry government...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should look at supplemental insurance if you are worried about medical bills.