Saturday, March 15, 2008


Daphne's First word is officially, "Hi." She has had it down for months and months, and if you prompt her to do it, she will say it with perfection. Recently, she connected it as word used when you see someone for the first time in a while and also as a way to start a new conversation.

Today, however, she learned "Ouch." It is really funny. She likes to claw and scratch a lot. It is a bad habit, and so we openly let her know that it is not a good thing by saying, "Ouch" and pulling away.

Now, when she goes to scratch or claw you, she says, "Ouch, Ow, Ouch. ... Ouch, Ow, Ouch."

It is really cute. If you hold her and she wants to claw at your face, she will say, "Ouch."

We are now encouraging her to use the word, but NOT while abusing us. I can't wait until the clawing faze is over.

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