Thursday, September 20, 2007

Solid Foods Here we Come

Talk about growing up fast. Daphne has been a little more cranky than normal over the past week or so. I was holding out on trying to give her solid food until her dad's birthday, which is this coming Saturday. I don't know why I picked that day, it is just an arbitrary day, but I chose it when she was only a couple weeks old, and I can't believe that it has arrived so soon!

However, I discovered a couple days ago that she was nursing a TON and still cranky and hungry and wanting to eat every time I ate, so it is time to feed her solid foods--at least something. She is almost 7 months old for goodness sake. People usually jump the gun on this kind of a thing and feed them early, but I was content to be lazily nursing her along.

Anyway, so she started to get applesauce as her first solid food. I plan to be feeding squash and other vegetables after this, but I am also trying to be good and introduce only one new food each week. I want to introduce vegetables because she is accustomed to sweet, sweet, sweet milk, and I want to see what she thinks of other flavors. We are going to do squash and peas, etc. I did make some peaches, and that will be the next fruit we introduce, but I don't think it will be for a month or more. They are happily in the freezer now anyway!

So, she eats with us, three times a day, and she nurses the rest of the time. What a big girl!

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