Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mouse Bonk

The under parts of my desk seem to be Daphne’s favorite place to play. Maybe it has to do with the fact that it is the least safe area. There are cords galore, and the electrical situation I’m sure constitutes a serious fire hazard, but despite all my moving her and telling her, she often crawls under the desk and starts to explore.

While I was writing my last blog post, she crawled under the desk and got hold of my mouse cord. She was facing away from the mouse, but she was playing with the cord nonetheless.

With one big pull, the mouse flew off my desk and smacked her in the back of the head. It was very funny to see. She was confused why she had been hit in the back of the head, and the reason I was laughing so hard was also hard for her to fathom.

I righted everything and went on my business without moving the baby out from under the desk. The next thing I knew, the mouse flew off my desk again in an exact repeat of what had just happened GRRRR. I was laughing, but Daphne didn’t like the game too much.

And NOW. She is chewing on my phone charger, so I had better go handle that.

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