Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Years' Resolution--Blog 365

I was half way through a long post yesterday going on and on about this topic when my darling little angel decided that she was going to put the reset button on my computer.

So, now, I will try to recapture the spirit of the whole thing again.

So, in case I didn't fail NaBloPoMo badly enough, I have a bigger challenge. Often, in my life, if I fail to do something doing something even harder often does the trick to get me on track and accomplishing a goal.

A bunch of crazy people who actually didn't fail NaBloPoMo have decided that they are going to blog every day of the New Year for 2008! I am totally jumping on the boat.

The thing is, that I have three blogs, and the experiment is to blog every day, not blog each blog every day, so if you want to get a full reality of exactly my blogging life, you will have to follow my other two blogs. Topics will include, debt reduction, my social experiment, project 365, being a mom and a wife and a photographer, etc. Stay tuned, it will be fun.

Oh... thanks 2008 for being a leap year, I get one day of rest the entire day!

Here is the website. These are the rules that I have posted from the website.

- Blog everyday for 365 days.

- Feb.29th is a Free Day and will be the Blog365 day of rest!
(Thanks Leap Year)

- You do not HAVE to post to the same blog as long as you post everyday.

- No internet? Write your post locally and post it once you are back on the grid.

- Computer Broken? Grab some paper and do some old school blogging.

- A post is a post, not everything has to be in writing. Photos, YouTube videos, and the like are all considered content.

- Have fun, because that's the whole point!

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