Friday, November 02, 2007

Stay At Home Mom Worth

I was reading in a magazine lately the financial worth of a stay at home mom. Apparently, the calculated value of a mom that stays at home and takes care of everything is valued at around $120,000 per year according to!

This is very exciting. I feel like what I do is worth a lot, and now I know. The numbers make sense if you look at it. I have a case for staying home anyway, but this is a very good case. I don't want to be away from my baby just so I can make money to pay for the daycare for me to be away from her. I am committed to being her mom, and that means that I am in it for the long haul. It is a bit of a sacrifice, but it is still wonderful. I get to see everything that she does that is new and exciting, and nothing is better than that for a mom!

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