Monday, November 26, 2007

Daphne's First Tooth

I told Daphne that she wasn't allowed to get a tooth until I was able to take a good photo of her toothless smile. The funny thing is that she actually listened to me. She is almost 9 months old, and it was starting to look like she wasn't ever going to get teeth.

When I hunkered right down and took the photos that I wanted, she went and got herself her first tooth!!!

It wasn't as dramatic as I thought that it would be. It didn't take a fever or many sleepless nights or anything. It just came right out!

It is on the bottom left. It is cute, but it is sharp. I was in no hurry for her to get teeth because I am still nursing her, but she has to grow up some time right? The official date of this new tooth is
November 11th! Yay! Well done Daphne.

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