Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006

This is my last day in Milano. I decided it was time to venture back into Milano and see some more. I went back to the Duomo and sat in front of it and ate toast and read my book. It wasn’t hot yet in the day, and it was nice. Then, I went into the church. It was huge and beautiful. The sculpture looked amazing. The paintings all around were nice, and I got a real education to go along with all of the things about church I was reading in my book. It was beautiful. After I left, I was drawn to an old deserted building next to the Duomo. There was a man playing the violin, and I sat next to him and read my book. Across the way, a couple was kissing on each other’s lap. It made me miss Jared. I read for quite a while because I was tired after walking in the church.

Eventually, I walked up the road and landed upon the Sfozra Castle. The castle was not well kept up. There were several areas roped off, so I did not get a lot of opportunity to walk around. I walked around the courtyard and sat down. Everything was chained up, so I didn’t attempt to do much more but sit there and read more from my book. I later learned that I had missed out on a free museum with a Michelangelo sculpture in it. It was very unfortunate. The castle was beautiful though.

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