Friday, August 24, 2007

Baby in a Pot

For a very long time, I have had a concept of doing a baby with spaghetti and tomato sauce series. Last night, I just got up the nerve and did it. Daphne had a blast, Jared had a good time, and I was even having a lot of fun too.

The cleanup was kind of crazy, but I enjoy the photos. They don't exactly meet my concept of what I wanted them to be, but I am pretty happy with them anyway.


Anonymous said...

who put that baby in the food? :)

Unknown said...

So fabulous. The second from the bottom is definitely my favorite. So cute!!

Unknown said...

you put the baby in the food. haha... anyway, cute baby!

Anonymous said...

Insane, but very cool. Daphne looks like a perfect noodle baby!